About our company
Welcome to www.jgid.shop where you can access 100’000 products and more than 1000 brands, from all your favourite suppliers, through one single platform.
How It Works:
At Jgid.Shop Suppliers are invited based on Members’ recommendations, to list and sell their products on Jgid.Shop. Suppliers aka “Sellers” are selected based on quality of products & services, how quickly they can deliver and if they manufacture or sell sustainable products. A Buyer now no longer needs to visit multiple online shops or ring multiple suppliers for quotes. Everything a Buyer needs can be placed in the one order, so there is only 1 account and 1 bill to deal with. Jgid.Shop will then send separate orders to each of the suppliers for fulfillment on that order.
Trade Discount:
For Trade clients and regular buyers, we offer trade specific discounts on selected items. All you need is a valid ABN and 1 minute to fill in your application. Our Customer Success Team will review your application and arrange for the relevant discounts to be applied.
Can’t Find A Product?
If you can’t find a product on Jgid.Shop simply let us know and we will endeavour to have it listed within 1 hour.
Invite A Supplier
Do you have a favourite supplier who is not yet on Jgid.Shop? Invite them now and we will give you a $50 gift voucher to spend on their product range here in Jgid.Shop
Benefits Of Jgid.Shop
Buyers can now quickly and easily quote & order materials from multiple suppliers 24/7 using up to date pricing. New businesses can easily get access to trade pricing across a large range of brands, making it easy for the younger generation to get established in the trade market. Sellers on Jgid.Shop are one step ahead of their competition because their products are automatically listed in the buyers’ quoting & invoicing software, leaving the SEO battle behind, while spending less time on the phone and more time packing orders. The more the JGID Community grows, the sooner we will achieve or goal of building a zero emissions & zero waste business model before 2025. The JGID Business Hub is a simple Win – Win – Win arrangement for all parties involved.
Why Sustainable Products?
We understand that not every product can be “green” and that price will always play an important role in business. Considering though that business as we know it right now is jeopardising the future of our children, the Jgid Group will do everything in their power to promote sustainable products & services, and we strive to find a sustainable alternative for any toxic materials that are currently being used.
Why Use Dispersed Privately Owned Suppliers And Not Large Corporates?
JGID is all about community and the future of the next generations. Privately owned business tent to share values such as family and sustainability. They also have the ability to make decisions based on values other than just short term shareholder interest. Small business is where innovation happens, if we can offer enough buying power, more ideas can be realised. Through the support of Jgid.Shop suppliers can reach a wide enough market easily, enabling innovators to launch products which previously might not have been possible due to the high marketing expense required. As part of our mission, JGID wants to help private business compete with large market forces. Small to medium privately owned businesses make up a large part of our economy. We firmly believe that collectively, small business holds the power to bring about the necessary changes that need to happen in this world. Which is why at JGID we invest today in the businesses of tomorrow. This is why we strive to make profits, so we can make a change. We want to make profits for a future, not profits at the expense of future generations.